
Keith M Lewin
Emeritus Professor of
International Development
and Education
University of Sussex, United Kingdom

Fellow of the U.K. Academy of Social Sciences, Chartered Physicist

FREE Downloads and Blogs under drop down tabs above


Welcome to the website of Keith Lewin who has been at Sussex University since 1972. Keith was the founding convenor of the Sussex International Masters in Education and Development in 1979. He  developed and directed the Centre for International Education at Sussex for 17 years. He has supervised over 50 PhDs and is the author of more than 200 journal articles, research monographs, reports and books.

Keith holds a first class degree in Physics and a Masters in Science Policy from Manchester University, and a PhD from Sussex University. He was one of the first graduate scholarship holders at the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex. He is a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences and a Chartered Physicist. He chaired the Trustees of the UK Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET) from 2017-2020 and is a former President and Honorary Fellow of the British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE). He was awarded a prize with R Sabates for the best journal article on Africa in 2013 by the Comparative and International Education Society of North America.

Keith has worked extensively on education and development since the early 1970s on assignments for major bilateral and multilateral aid agencies. He has been a senior technical advisor to Ministries of Education across Africa and South and South East Asia. He is an honorary Professor in China and was a senior research advisor to the Ministry of Human Resource Development in India. He has also been a senior advisor to the African Development Bank.

Keith conceived and led the DFID funded Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity (CREATE). This multi-country research programme was designed collaboratively to undertake research on educational access, participation and outcomes in low income countries. It has developed systems analysis tools that provide new perspectives on transitions in the reach and impact of education systems and the political economies that determine whether innovations are pedagogically, socially and economically sustainable. CREATE maintains an extensive website capturing its research findings and linking to free downloads on education and development. Its research has been widely recognised:

“CREATE has been one of the best research investments in education made by DFID and has contributed greatly to the work of national governments and other development agencies over the past decade”. Michael Ward, Senior Policy Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills and formally senior education advisor to DFID.

Keith’s work with multi-lateral institutions has included co-chairing the Educational Financing Round Table at the Jomtien World Conference on Education for All (1990), co-convening the Financing Secondary Education panel at the Dakar World Education Forum (2020), and acting as senior technical advisor to the Commonwealth Ministers sub-committee on the Sustainable Development Goals for Education leading up to the Incheon World Education Conference (2015). He has been a frequent contributor to the activities of the International Institute of Educational Planning in Paris and has written two volumes (1987, 2015) for their Fundamentals of Educational Planning flagship series.

Keith’s main research interests include: educational financing, educational planning, fiscal reform for education, aid to education, programme evaluation, secondary education, science education, assessment and teacher education. He has recently been working on sustainable educational development and external financing in Africa and South Asia; system change theory;  educational indicators and targets; expanded access to secondary education in India; basic education in China; and aid to education for states in transition from low to middle income status.

Recent downloads

Lewin K M 2022 Persuasions, promises and prospects for educational financing

ODI Main Research Report (September, 2022) Escaping the Low Financing Trap; Strategies for Development in Low Income Countries. Fixing the education financing trap.  

See also video on the financing trap on the “Blog and Video” tab above

Lewin K M (2022) It is time to fix the low financing trap: public spending on education revisited. Journal of International Cooperation in Education
Keith Lewin Escaping the financing trap FINAL Oct 25th JICE

Lewin K M (2023) Using a systems approach to education and development;  insights from a multi-country research programme on access and learning. Presentation; CIES in Minnesota in April 2022. Pre Publication Draft
Evolution of Systems. Keith Lewin January 2023

Launch of the Centre for the Study of Global Development at the Open University, March 23rd, 2022 OU-CGD-Inaugural-Lecture-2021-Keith-Lewin TEXT VERSION FINAL 2022

OU-CGD-Inaugural-Lecture-2021-Keith-Lewin TEXT VERSION FINAL 2022

Lewin K M (2021) Global Education Monitoring Report 2021  Non-state actors GEM Report

Lewin K M (2021) Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Joining up the Dots and seeing beyond Radio Gaga. Conference of the Parties COP26
Sustainable Educational Development blog COP26

UKFIET Symposium on GEAP and What Works for Whom? Re-imagining Research Methods. Smart Buys, Great Sales and Special Offers: Cost-Effective Approaches to Improve Global Learning Full Paper.  Smart-buys-great-sales-and-special-offers-Keith-Lewin-FV-FINAL-Full-Version-Sept6th 2021

Keith Lewin’s UKFIET short blog  https://www.ukfiet.org/2020/smart-buys-great-sales-and-special-offers-cost-effective-approaches-to-improve-global-learning/

World Bank Seminar 2021
Beyond business as usual for aid to education: Who pays for what? 
Education GP and 1818 Society Online | Thursday February 4, 2021 | 12:30 – 2:00 PM| Washington, DC Time Invitation at World Bank Seminar Flyer
Paper in IJED  Free download of pdf here and  Video https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AP99njTvMNHTY7I&id=CC4FE59BD6B00E08%21116776&cid=CC4FE59BD6B00E08

International Journal for Educational Development Invited Lecture:
Beyond business as usual: Aid to education in Africa
Invitation at:
IJED Webinar – Keith Lewin for March 18th 2021 1400 UTC:GMT
Video on line (Register with Elsevier to play)

A global reset: Covid-19 and the future of education and learning
Special issue of Prospects Vol 49 17-24.  Lead article Lewin K M Contingent reflections on the coronavirus and priorities for educational planning and development. CIES 2021 on Monday, April 26, 11:45am to 1:15pm PDT (8:45 to 10:15pm CEST)

Lewin K M (2021). Unequal Access to Education: Accounting for Change and Counting Costs A Tribute to Chris Colclough[1] Website draft full version
Tribute to Chris Colclough – Passing On
Keith-M-Lewin-Unequal-Access-to-Education-March-Full-version-Web (6)

Norrag podcast: Peak aid, catalytic change and sustainable educational financing

https://www.norrag.org/just-released-norrag-podcast-episode-08-peak-aid-catalytic-change-and-sustainable-educational-financing/ and video

Sustainable Financing of Education – FreshEd Podcast November 2018

Recent Blogs

Blog: Is the Education Outcomes Fund a Game Changer?

NEW: Learning Matters and the World Development Report 2018
Blog for UKFIET and Education International
KeithLewin Blog WDR 2018 April 8th 2018


Blog: GEMR and Better Aid   Better Aid.

Blog Sustainable Development  Sustainable Development

Download: Paper for Global Partnership for Education
The Educational Challenges of Transition – Global Partnership for Education KL 2017

Keith Lewin discusses Private Schools for the Poor and their Limits to Growth
Keith Lewin https://vimeo.com/53410853

Educational Access, Equity, and Development: Planning to Make Rights Realties download here  International Institute for Educational Planning 2015

Educational Development in India under RMSA 2017
Synthesis Equity in Access and Learning in India

To read publications (books, journal articles, monographs, papers, etc) go to the the download tab above.