Educational Access, Equity and Development:
Planning to Make Rights Realities, International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO, Paris, 2015.
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IIEP Fundamental 98 Keith Lewin
Making Rights Realities: Researching Educational Access, Transitions and Equity. Research Report of the Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity. Brighton: University of Sussex, 2011. ISBN 0-901881-80-5 pp72
Strategies for Sustainable Financing of Secondary Education. Keith M Lewin World Bank 2008 Washington DC pp170 CD Rom
Non Government Secondary Schooling in Sub Saharan Africa? Exploring the Evidence in South Africa and Malawi. With Y. Sayed. DFID, London 200pp. 2005.
Researching Teacher education: New Perspectives on Practice, Performance and policy (.pdf) With J.S. Stuart. DFID Research Series 49a pp21, 2003
Primary Teacher Education in Malawi: Insights into Practice and Policy (.pdf) With D. Kunje and J. S. Stuart. DFID Research Series 49c pp 141. 2003.
Changing Patterns of Teacher Education in South Africa: Policy Practice and Prospects. With M. Samuel M and Y. Sayed (eds.), Heinemann. pp300 2003.
Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. (.pdf) With F. Caillods. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris. 370pp. 2003. ISBN 92-803-1139-9
Science Education and Development; Planning and Policy Issues at Secondary Level. With F. Caillods and G. Gottelmann-Duret, Pergamon/International Institute of Educational Planning, Paris. 242pp. 1997 ISBN 92-803-1160-3 (Limp-bound) ISBN 0-08-0427898 (Hard-back)
Educational Innovation in Developing Countries; Case Studies of Change Makers. With J.S. Stuart (eds.) MacMillan. 325pp. 1996 ISBN (limp-back) ISBN 0-333-49094-0 (Hard-back) (2nd edition, first edition 1991)
Insights into Science Education; Planning and Policy Priorities in Malaysia (.pdf) With S. Maimunah. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 265pp. 1994.
Implementing Basic Education in China: Progress and Prospects in Rich, Poor and National Minority Areas. (.pdf) With Wang Ying Jie. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris. 180pp. 1994
Educational Innovation in China: Tracing the Impact of the 1985 Reforms with Xu Hui, Angela W Little, and Zheng Jiwei. Longman, London, 1994 China Book Full Text 1994
Educating All the Children; Strategies for Primary Education in Developing Countries. With C. Colclough. Oxford University Press. 328pp. 1993.
Doing Educational Research in Developing Countries with Graham Vulliamy and David Stephens Falmer Press Sussex
Education in Austerity; Options for Planners (.pdf) Fundamentals of International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 130pp. 1987. Education in Austerity; Options for Planners