Sixteen Books including
- Lewin K M (2022) Escaping the Low Financing Trap: Strategies for Sustainable Educational Development in Low Income Countries
ODI Research Report (September, 2022)
ODI_report_Escaping_the_low-financing_trap - Lewin K M with Wang Lu (2016) . Two Decades of Basic Education in Rural China: Transitions and Challenges for Development: Springer Two Decades of Basic Education in Rural China Transitions and Challenges for Development
- Lewin K M (2015) Educational Access, Equity and Development: Planning to Make Rights Realities. Fundamentals of Educational Planning Serial Number 97. International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO, Paris IIEP Fundamental 98 Keith Lewin
- Lewin K M (2011) Making Rights Realities: Researching Educational Access, Transitions and Equity. Research Report of the Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity. Brighton: University of Sussex ISBN 0-901881-80-5 pp72 Making-Rights-Realities-Keith-Lewin-September-2011
- Lewin K M (2008) ; Strategies for Sustainable Financing of Secondary Schooling in Sub Saharan Africa. Secondary Education in Africa (SEIA): Africa Human Development Series; World Bank, Washington DC pp170 + CD Rom including Case Studies ISBN 13:978-0-8213-7115-2 Strategies for Sustainable Financing of Secondary Education. Keith M Lewin World Bank 2008
- Lewin K M, Sayed Y (2005) Non State Secondary Schooling in Sub Saharan Africa? Exploring the Evidence in South Africa and Malawi. DFID, London 200pp.Non State Secondary Schooling in Sub Saharan Africa? Exploring the Evidence in South Africa and Malawi
- Lewin K M Stuart J S (2003) Researching Teacher Education: New Perspectives on Practice, Performance and Policy DFID Research Series 49a pp213
- ResearchingTeacherEducation2003
- Lewin K M, Samuel M, Sayed Y (eds) (2003) Changing Patterns of Teacher Education in South Africa: Policy Practice and Prospects. Heinemann. pp300
- Kunje D, Lewin K M and Stuart J S (2003) Teacher Education in Malawi: Insights into Practice and Policy DFID Research Series 49c pp 141 ISBN Primary Teacher Education in Malawi: Insights into Practice and Policy
- Lewin K M, Caillods F (2001) Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris. 370pp ISBN 92-803-1139-9 FinancingSecondaryEducationinDevCountries IIEP Keith Lewin 2001
- Caillods F, Gottelmann-Duret, Lewin K M ((1997) Science Education and Development; Planning and Policy Issues at Secondary Level. Pergamon/International Institute of Educational Planning, Paris. 242pp ISBN 92-803-1160-3 (Limp-bound) ISBN 0-08-0427898 (Hard-back)
- Lewin K M, with Stuart J S (eds) (1996) Educational Innovation in Developing Countries; Case Studies of Change Makers. MacMillan. 325pp. ISBN (limp-back) ISBN 0-333-49094-0 (Hard-back) (2nd edition, first edition 1991)
- Maimunah S Lewin K M (1994), Insights into Science Education; Planning and Policy Priorities in Malaysia. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 265pp Insights into Science Education; Planning and Policy Priorities in Malaysia
- Lewin K M, Wang Ying Jie, (1994) Implementing Basic Education in China: Progress and Prospects in Rich, Poor and National Minority Areas. 180pp. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris.Implementing Basic Education in China Keith M Lewin IIEP 1993
- Lewin K M, Little A W, Xu Hui, Zheng Ji Wei , Educational Innovation in China; Tracing the Impact of the 1985 Reforms. Longman 315pp.
- Colclough C. with Lewin K M, (1993) Educating All the Children; Strategies for Primary Education in Developing Countries. Oxford University Press. 328pp.
- Lewin K M (1987) Education in Austerity; Options for Planners. Fundamentals of Educational Planning Series, International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 130pp Education in Austerity- Options for Planners Keith M Lewin IIEP 1987
Fifty Journal articles including
- Lewin K M, Jha S, Siddhu G, and Harma J (2022) Equity in Access and Learning: Keith Lewin et al, Equity in Sec Education March 2023 A way forward for secondary education in India in Varghese N V, Mangalagiri A, Mathew A (Ed) (2023) Quality and Inclusion in education: The persisting challenges. Routledge, Oxford.
- Lewin K M (2022) It is time to fix the low financing trap: public spending on education revisited. Journal of International Cooperation in Education
- Lewin K M 2020 IJED Beyond Business as Usual: Aid and Financing of Education in Sub Saharan Africa. Vol 78 102247 Elsevier, September 2020
- Lewin K M 2020 Contingent reflections on coronavirus and prirritiess for educational planning and development. Prospects 49:17-24. UNESCO IBE Geneva
- Lewin K M, 2019 The Sustainable Development Goals for Education: Commonwealth Perspectives and Opportunities. Round Table. The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs September 2019 Taylor and Francis, London Keith Lewin SDG and the Commonwealth (Full Text) July 1st 2019 Keith Lewin SDG4 and the Commonwealth (Abridged) July 1st 2019
- Lewin K M The Emperors New Clothes; Curriculum Reform and Development. Revista de Estudos Curriculares, Ano 7, n.º2, 2016. University of Braga, Portugal Keith-Lewin-Paper-The-Emperors-New-Clothes-Curriculum-Reform-and-Development-University-of-Braga-Portugal
- Lewin K Zeitlyn, B, Lewin K M, Chimombo J, Meke, Elizabeth (2015) Inside Private Secondary Schools in Malawi: Access or Exclusion? International Journal of Education and Development (IJED)
- Lewin K M, and Sabates R, (2012), Who Gets What? Is Improved Access to Basic Education Pro-Poor in SSA? International Journal of Education and Development 32:1
- Lewin K M (2011) Expanding Access to Secondary Education: Can India Catch Up? in Lewin K M, Little A W, and Hunt F (eds), Access, Equity, and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries; CREATE Special Issue of the International Journal of Education and Development 31:4, 382-394 ISSN 0738-0593
- Lewin K M and Little A W (2011) Access to Education Revisited: Equity, Drop out and Transitions to Secondary School in South Asia and Sub Saharan Africa in Lewin K M, Little A W, and Hunt F (eds) (2011) International Journal of Education and Development CREATE Special Issue of the International Journal of Education and Development 31:4, 333-338 ISSN 0738-0593
- Little A W and Lewin K M and (2011) The Policies, Politics and Progress of Access to Basic Education in Little A W and Lewin K M (eds) CREATE Special Issue of the Journal of Educational Policy 26:4 477:483 ISSN 0268-0939
- Lewin K M (2011) Policy Dialogue and Target Setting: Do Current Indicators of Education for All Signify Progress? CREATE Special Issue of the Journal of Educational Policy 26:4 571:589 ISSN 0268-0939
- Lewin K M (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Patterns, Problems and Possibilities, in K M and Akyeampong K Access to Education in Sub Saharan Africa: CREATE Special Issues Comparative Education Vol 45:2 151:175 ISSN 0305-0068
- Lewin K M and Akyeampong K (2009) Education in Sub Saharan Africa: Researching Access, Transitions and Equity in Lewin K M and Akyeampong K Access to Education in Sub Saharan Africa: CREATE Special Issue Comparative Education Vol 45:2 143-151 ISSN 0305-0068
- Lewin K M (2007) Diversity in Convergence: Access to Education for All; Presidential Address, BAICE Belfast September 2006 published in Compare; Volume 37, Number 5, October 2007 , pp. 577-599(23)
- Lewin K M (2006) Planning for Secondary Expansion in Sub Saharan Africa – Key Issues for Sustainable Growth in Access. Perspectives in Education Vol 24(2), June 2006
- Lewin K M (2005) Taking Targets to Task: Planning Post Primary Education International Journal of Education and Development Volume 25, Issue 4, July 2005, Pages 408-422
- Lewin K M (2003) Insights into the Policy and Practice of Teacher Education in Low Income Countries: The Multi Site Teacher Education Research Project. Special Issue. British Education Research Journal, Vol 29, No 5 691-707 October 2003;
- Lewin K M (2002) The Costs of Supply and Demand for Teacher Education: Dilemmas for Development. Double Issue of the International Journal of Education and Development edited by Lewin K M and Stuart JS March 2003 221-243
- Lewin K M with Akyeampong K (2002) From Student Teachers To Newly Qualified Teachers In Ghana: Insights Into Becoming A Teacher. Double Issue of the International Journal of Education and Development edited by Lewin K M and Stuart JS March 2003 339-353
- Lewin K M with Coultas J, (2002) Who Becomes a Teacher? The Characteristics of Student Teachers in Four Countries. Double Issue of the International Journal of Education and Development edited by Lewin K M and Stuart JS March 2003 243-261
- Lewin K Caillods F (2000) Financing the Development of Secondary Education in Developing Countries. Prospects Vol XXXI No 1
- Lewin K M (2000) New Technologies for Knowledge Acquisition and Use in Developing Countries Compare 30:3 2000 pp313-3231.
Sixty Chapters in books including
- Lewin, K M, Jha S, Siddhu G, Harma J (2023). Keith Lewin et al, Equity in Sec Education March 2023 in Vharghese N V. Mangalagiri A, (Eds), (2023) “Persisting Challenges of Equity, Quality and Inclusion in Education: Insights and Way Forward”, Routledge, Delhi, India. Keith Lewin et al, Equity in Sec Education March 2023
- Lewin K M (2023) Using a systems approach to education and development; Insights from a multi country research programme on access and learning in Faul M V and Savage L (Eds) (2023) Systems thinking for education and development: Unblocking learning for All. Series on Education and International Development. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK Evolution of Systems. Keith Lewin January 2023
- Lewin K M (2022) The Sustainable Development Goals for Education: Commonwealth Perspectives and Opportunities in Kreling B (ed), 2022, Commonwealth Education; Adapting to Survive. Routledge, London
- Lewin K M (2021). Unequal Access to Education: Accounting for Change and Counting Costs A Tribute to Chris Colclough[1] Website draft full version
Keith M Lewin Unequal Access to Education March Full version – Web in Rose P, Arnot M, Jeffery R, and Singal N (2021) Reforming Education and Challenging Inequalities in Southern Contexts: New Directions for Education Research. Routledge, Cambridge - Lewin K M (2021) Taxing Matters: Fiscal Reforms, public goods and aid. Lead article Norrag”: Special Issue 5Keith Lewin Taxing Matters- Fiscal Reform, Public Goods and Aid FV November 2020 Special Issue Domestic financing: Tax and Education. Norrag Special Issue 5 at
- Lewin K M (2022) Equity in Access and Learning: A way forward for secondary education in India in Magalagiri A and Varghese
N V Education and Equity in India (working title) National University of Educational Planning, Delhi - Lewin K M (2021) Unequal access to education: accounting for change and counting costs
- Lewin K M (2020) Taxing Matters: Fiscal Reform, Public Goods and Aid. NORRAG Special Issue 5. Commissioned Lead Article. Geneva, Graduate School of International and Development Studies November 2020 Taxing Matters: Fiscal Reforms, public goods and aid. Lead article Norrag”: Special Issue 5 Keith Lewin Taxing Matters- Fiscal Reform, Public Goods and Aid FV November 2020 Special Issue at
- Lewin K M, (2019) Realising Rights to Education: Is Privatising Educational Services Equitable, Democratic, Inclusive and Sustainable in South Asia? Chapter in Varghese N V, Bandyopadhyay M, Democracy, Education and Development: Issues relating to Inclusion, Equity and Sustainability in India. Oxford University Press.
- Lewin K M (2016) Does Privatising Educational Services for the Poor Make Sense? Chapter in Lubienski C and Ndimande, B Privatisation and Markets in Education, University of Chicago Press
- Lewin K M (2012) Nine Year Compulsory Education in China: What can be Learned from Two Decades of Development? Pp 1-22 in Qin, Hangyin (2012) The Experience of Nine Year Compulsory Education in China. UNESCO Publishing, Beijing.
- Lewin K M (2011) Four Decades of Educational Planning – Retrospect and Prospect. In Varghese N V and Bray M Directions in Educational Planning: International Experiences and Perspectives. International Institute of Educational Planning, UNESCO Publishing, Paris ISBN 978-92-803-1360-4.Four_Decades_of_Educational_Planning
- Lewin K M (2007) Why Some EFA and Millennium Development Goals Will Not Be Met: Difficulties with Goals and Targets. In Chisholm, L, Bloch G and Fleisch B Education, Growth Aid and Development: Towards Education for All. Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong. ISBN 978-962-8093-99-1.
- Lewin K M (2007) The Limits to Growth of Non-Government Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa in Walford G and Srivastava P ‘Private Schools in Developing Countries’ published by Symposium Books, 2007
- Lewin K M (2006) Costs and Finance of Multigrade – How Do the Books Balance? in Little A W (ed) Education for All and Multigrade Teaching: Challenges and opportunities, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands
- Lewin K M, (2005), Seeking Secondary Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa: Four Fallacies, Four Foresights and Four Freedoms in King K (ed) Reintegrating Education, Skills and Work in Africa: towards informal or Knowlede Economies? Towards Autoonomy or Dependency in Development? 2005, ISBN 0-9545183-2-2
- Lewin K M (2003) Science Teacher Education Policy in Developing Countries in Science Teacher Education in Africa, Ways Forward. W. Ottevanger et al Free University of Amsterdam, Holland.
- Lewin K M, Samuel M, Sayed Y (2003) Changing Patterns of Teacher Education in South Africa: Introduction in Lewin K M, Samuel M, Sayed Y Changing Patterns of Teacher Education in South Africa: Policy Practice and Prospects. Heinemann. Pp 14
- Lewin K M (2003) An International Perspective on Teacher Education Across the MUSTER Countries Ch 21 in Lewin K M, Samuel M, Sayed Y Changing Patterns of Teacher Education in South Africa: Policy Practice and Prospects. Heinemann. Pp 26
- Lewin K M (2001) Statement of the Problem Chapter 1 in Lewin K M Caillods F, Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris. 2001
- Lewin K M (2001) The Status of Secondary Schooling in Developing Countries Chapter 2 in Lewin K M Caillods F, Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris. 2001
- Lewin K M (2001) Are Higher Secondary Enrolments Achievable? Chapter 3 in Lewin K M Caillods F, Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 2001
- J Manduvi-Moyo and Keith Lewin (2001) Financing Secondary Education in Zimbabwe: Access Equity and Efficiency Revisited Chapter 4 in Lewin K M Caillods F, Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 2001
- Lewin K M (2001) Secondary Schooling in Malawi: The Challenge of Financing Enrolment Growth Chapter 5 in Lewin K M Caillods F, Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 2001
- Lewin K M, with Mallawarachchi S (2001) Sri Lanka: Case Study of Financing Secondary Schools Chapter 7 in Lewin K M Caillods F, Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 2001
- Lewin K , Qu Hang Chang, Zeng Xiao Dong, Wang Zhan Rei, Wu Hua, Wang Libing (2001) Financing Secondary Schools in China: A New Economics of Schooling Chapter 8 in Lewin K M Caillods F, Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 2001
- Lewin K M and Caillods F (2001) Emerging Issues for Increased Access and Participation at Secondary Level Chapter 10 in Lewin K M Caillods F, Financing Secondary Education in Developing Countries; Strategies for Sustainable Growth. International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 2001
- 2000 Lewin K M (2000) The Cost of Culture: Some Dilemmas for Educational Investment in Mauritius in Leach F and Little A (eds) Education, Culture and Economics: Dilemmas and Prospects. Garland, New York 25pp.
Eighty Research Reports and Monographs including:
- Lewin K M (2019) Sustainable Educational Development in LICs, LMICs and UMICs: Dancing to An African Rhythm. African Development Bank, Abidjan
- Lewin K M (2018) Financing and the African Education Fund (2018) African Development Bank and Association for the Development of Education in Africa, Abidjan
- Lewin K M with others, 2018 Sustainability and Resilience: Can Education Deliver? Commonwealth Secretariat Sustainability and Resilience Commonwealth Ministers Thematic Paper CCEM(20)
- Lewin K M (2019) GPE Private Sector Strategy Revisited. Commissioned Study for Open Society Foundations, London
- Lewin K M (2017), The Educational Challenges of Transition; Key Issues Towards 2030. Global Partnership for Education, Washington DC.
- Eight co-authored by Keith Lewin, Gaurav Siddhu, Shashiranjan Jha, and Joanna Harma for Research Reports for Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan-Technical Cooperation Agency (MHRD-TCA), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. The reports analyse data from the three year programme of research. The titles are available from RMSA-TCA and and are titled:
• Equity in Access and Learning: A Way Forward for Secondary Education
• Making it Past Elementary Education
• Demographic Transition and Education Planning
• Equity and Efficiency in Expansion of Secondary Schools
• Efficient School Siting using GIS Modelling
• Cost and Equity in Accessing Secondary Education
• The Shifting Terrain of Government and Private Provision
• Private Tuition: Extent, Pattern and Determinants
- Keith M Lewin: (2016) Curriculum Assessment and Education for Sustainable Development: Does the Emperor have New Clothes? North America Comparative and International Education Conference Vancouver March 2016.
- Lewin K M (2015) Goals and Indicators for Development:Consolidating the Architectures. Open Society Foundations. New York lewin-goals-indicators-edu-dev-20150515
- UNICEF (2015) Lewin K M (Contributing author) Out of School Children (OOSCI) Middle East and North Africa: Regional Report
- Lewin K M, Cameron S, (2015) Equity, Educational Access and Learning Outcomes in the Middle East and North Africa. UNICEF, Middle East and North Africa Region, Amman published by UNICEF New York.
- Lewin K M (2015) Teachers and Development: Supply, Quality, Distribution and Financing: Conference Paper Published by Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP), Jakarta, Indonesia
- Lewin K M (2014) Equity, Learning and Development: Why Making Rights Realities Makes Sense . Conference paper: Southeast Asia in Transition: Re-thinking Education, Science and Culture for Regional Integration for
- South East Asia Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO).
- Chimombo J, Meke E, Zeitlyn B, Lewin K M (2014) Increasing access to secondary school education in Malawi: Does private schooling deliver on its promises? Privatisation of Education Research Initiative of the Open Society Foundations. PERI Research Monograph 61.
- Commonwealth Ministerial Working Group on the Post-2015 Development Framework for Education: Commonwealth Recommendations for the Post-2015 Development Framework for Education. Marlborough House, 12-13 December 2012 Post-2015 Ministerial Working Group Commonwealth Keith Lewin FINAL
- Lewin, K .M, Wasanga, P, Wanderi, E, and Somerset, A. (2011). Participation and Performance in Education in Sub-Saharan Africa with special reference to Kenya: Improving Policy and Practice CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 75, Brighton: University of Susse
- Lewin, K .M, Wang Lu, with Luo Yuan, Zhou Wei-tao,Wang Tian-tian and Wang Ying Jie, Qu Heng Chang (2011). Education and Change in Rich, Poor and National Minority Areas in China: Two Decades of Transition . CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 61,. Brighton: University of Sussex ISBN: 0-901881-72-4 Basic Education in China PTA61
- Lewin, K. M., (2011) Taking Targets to Task Revisited: How Indicators of Progress on Access to Education can Mislead, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 54. Brighton: University of Sussex ISBN: 0-901881-61-
- Lewin, K. M., (2011) Beyond Universal Access to Elementary Education in India: Is it Achievable at Affordable Costs? CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 53. Brighton: University of Sussex ISBN: 0-901881-60-0
- Lewin, K. M. and Sabates, R., (2011) Changing Patterns of Access to Education in Anglophone and Francophone Countries in Sub Saharan Africa: Is Education for All Pro-Poor? CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 52. Brighton: University of Sussex ISBN: 0-901881-59-7
- Lewin K M (2007) Expanding Access to Secondary Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa: Key Planning and Finance Issues Pathways to Access Research Monographs No 8, CREATE, University of Sussex ISBN 0-901881-11-2
- Lewin K M (2007) Long Term Planning for EFA and the MDGs; Modes and Mechanisms. Pathways to Access Research Monograph, No 7, CREATE, University of Sussex ISBN 0-901881-10-4
- Lewin, K. M., (2007) The Limits to Growth of Non-Government Private Schooling in Sub Saharan Africa. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 5. Brighton: University of Sussex ISBN: 0-901881-06-6
- Lewin K M, (2007), Improving Access, Equity and Transitions in Education: Creating a Research Agenda. Pathways to Access Research Monographs No 1, CREATE, University of Sussex. ISBN 0-901881-08-3
- Lewin K M (2006) Financing Universal Post Primary Education and Training in Uganda. Ministry of Education and Sports/World Bank Kampala.
- Lewin K M (2006) Financing Secondary Education in Commonwealth Countries: New Challenges for Policy and Practice. 16th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, Cape Town, December
- Lewin K M (2006) The Medium-Term Budgetary Framework (MTBF) for Education: Education Sector Development Framework and Programme (ESDFP), Ministry of Education – Sri Lanka World Bank/ Ministry of Education Sri Lanka
- Lewin K M and Akyeampong K, (2005) Mapping Ways Forward: Planning Nine year Basic Education in Rwanda. CfBT DFID National Report LewinAkyeampongFinal Report Rwanda
- Lewin K M (2004) Forging a Missing Link; Policy Position Paper on Post Primary Education. DFID, London
- Lewin K M (2003) The Tanzania Financial Projection Model. Secondary Education Development Project. Planning Software for Ministry of Education Tanzania and World Bank, Washington.
- Lewin K M, Osaki K, (2003) Strategies for Increased Output of Secondary Teachers, Secondary Education Development Programme Position Paper, Ministry of Education Dar-es-Salaam and World Bank
- Lewin K M (2003) Options for Post Primary Education and Training in Uganda: Increasing Access, Equity and Efficiency. Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda and DFID.
- Lewin K M, Little A and Evans J (2001) Globalisation and Educational Development; Mapping the Issues. Volume 1 Reflections for the DFID White Paper on Globalisation July 2000 70pp. Volume 2 Collection of Papers. DFID, London 2001.
- Lewin K M (2000) Mapping Science Education Policies in Developing Countries. World Bank Human Development Network; Secondary Education Series. World Bank Washington pp 35
- Lewin K M (2000) Linking Science Education to Labour Markets: Issues and Strategies. World Bank Human Development Network; Secondary Education Series. World Bank Washington pp 17