Centre for the Study of Global Development
Inaugural Lecture – Text and Powerpoint.pdf
OU-CGD-Inaugural-Lecture-2021-Keith-Lewin TEXT VERSION FINAL 2022
KeithLewin OU Inaugural PPTXPDF
Video of Open University CSGD Inaugural Lecture
Launch of Global Education Monitoring Report 2022 at UKFIET
Keith has published many articles on non-state providers. The latest GEMR confirms that many of his analytic findings and predictions are now borne out by the data.The UKFIET website now includes a blog on NSPs confirming some of the developments Keith has predicted.
Non-state actors GEM Report 2022.
A background paper written in 2021 for the GEMR 2021/2 is here
GEMR 2021 Background paper Keith M Lewin
The debate with Michael Barber with the All Party Parliamentary Group for Education illustrates an historic take on the NSP debate. The summary of the debate in a committee room of the House of Lords is available here All Party Parliamentary Group 2012 Low Cost Private Schools and https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20641059
University of Illinois Conference on Privatisation generated this paper.
Keith Lewin Privatising Educational Services for the Poor Uni Illinois[1] Chapter in Lubienski C and Ndimande, B (2017) Privatisation and Markets in Education, University of Chicago Press
Other contributions include Private Schools in Malawi
PERIMalawiWP-61_Increasing Access to Secondary School Education in Malawi
Private Secondary Schools Malawi IJED
CIES 2021 April 26th 2021 Two Panels with Keith Lewin CIES 2021
Highlighted Session: Reshaping educational financing for development: responsible and responsive aid. Mon, April 26, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT
2. Covid-19 Session
A global reset: Covid-19 and the future of education and learning
Special issue of Prospects Vol 49 17-24. Lead article Lewin K M Contingent reflections on the coronavirus and priorities for educational planning and development.
Contingent reflections on Coronavirus
Invited Paper: Prospects UNESCO Lewin2020_Article_ContingentReflectionsOnCoronav
Keith Lewin CIES IBE Covid
The Sustainable Development Goals for Education: Issues for Curriculum, Labour Markets and Assessment Ministry of Education Sri Lanka February 27th 2020
Seminar Ministry of Education Sri Lanka
PPT. Education for Sustainable Development Keith Lewin Sri Lanka 2020 Feb
Comparative and International Education Society North America: Mexico City March 2018
NORRAG Roster in including Contributions by Keith Lewin
Norrag Member participation[1]
Aid without Dependence
Comparative Education Beijing September 2017
Keith Lewin gave a keynote speech in plenary to the Sixth World Comparative Education Forum which was hosted by Beijing Normal University from September 24th-26th. Keith has been an Honorary Professor at BNU since 1991. His presentation was entitled “Aid to Education and Sustainable Development: How Much, to Whom, for What?. A paper and powerpoint are available on the download tab.