Theme 5: Teacher Education – The Multisite Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER)

The MUSTER Website has over 40 downloads on teacher education.  The Synthesis Report – Researching Teacher education: New Perspectives on Practice, Performance and policy – provides an overview of the research.

Teachers and their capabilities lie at the heart of educational development. What they can do and how they do it determine who learns what and whether that learning is enlightening and enabling or lacking in relevance and of little utility. The Multisite Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER) was developed over a decade ago and work intensively in Ghana, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho, and Trinidad and Tobago. It was focused on the issues that initial surround investment in teacher education and the development of appropriate patterns of education and training.  Its empirical research was framed by exploration of the characteristics of entrants to teacher education programmes, observation, analysis and evaluation of college based ad distance learning programmes, and insights from newly qualified teachers in their first appointments.

The research has produced six books and over 30 research monographs. These include a synthetic volume capturing key findings and making a series of policy recommendations. These are relevant to education systems in many poor countries. The MUSTER website contains all the research outputs of the programme.

Researching Teacher education: New Perspectives on Practice, Performance and policy Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER)  Keith M Lewin and Janet S Stuart, March 2003.

Teacher training in Ghana – Does it Count? Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER) Kwame Akyeampong, March 2003.

Initial Primary Teacher Education in Lesotho. Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER)  J. Pulane Lefoka with E. Molapi Sebatane, March 2003.

Primary Teacher Education in Malawi: Insights into Practice and Policy. Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER) Demis Kunje with Keith Lewin and Janet Stuart, March 2003.

An analysis of primary teacher Education in Trinidad and Tobago. Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER) June George and Lynda Quamina-Aiyejina, March 2003.

Other publications include:

Lewin K M and Stuart J S (ed) (2002) Researching Teacher Education: The Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project. Double Issue of the International Journal of Education and Development March 2003 pp411-421. Editorial-Foreword_2002_International-Journal-of-Educational-Development and Editorial-Postscript_2002_International-Journal-of-Educational-Development

Lewin K M, Samuel M, Sayed Y (eds) (2003)Changing Patterns of Teacher Education in South Africa: Policy Practice and Prospects. Heinemann. pp300.
SECTION D Introduction keith lewin michael samuel yusuf sayed
SECTION D Chapter 21 keith lewin MUSTER International Oversig and

Lewin K M (2003) Insights into the Policy and Practice of Teacher Education in Low Income Countries: The Multi Site Teacher Education Research Project. Special Issue. British Education Research Journal, Vol 29, No 5 691-707 October 2003.British Educational Res J 2013 Keith Lewin Insights into the policy and practice of teacher education in low?income

Lewin K M (2004) The pre-service training of teachers – does it meet its objectives and how can it be improved? Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2005 The Quality Imperative  Global Monitoring Report 2004 Teacher Education BGD Paper

MUSTER Discussion Papers online below:  MUSTER Paper Index lists paper Title etc.

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