Other projects include:
Aid Futures; Gates Foundation and ODI, London
Beyond business as usual; aid and the SDGs
Financing education in transitioning countries; Global Partnership for Education
Post 2015 Global Education Goals: Commonwealth Secretariat
Sustainable educational development in the Commonwealth. Commonwealth Ministers Meeting 2018
The African Education Fund: African Development Bank
Low price private schools in Malawi
Access to Education in Asia (ADB; IIEP/UNICEF) – A regional analysis of educational development issues for the Emerging Asia study of the ADB;
Implementing Educational Reform in China (UNICEF/IIEP);
Implementing Educational Reform in Developing Countries – Multi Country Case Studies from Africa and Asia focusing on curriculum development;
The Mpumalanga Primary Schools Initiative – Link institute co-ordinator for the first DFID supported basic education project in South Africa; The Development of Assessment for Primary Science and Agriculture – An African regional programme to improve assessment in Anglophone countries (DSE/GTZ);
Costing and Finance of Education in Mauritius – A series of analyses to support the implementation of the Mauritius Master Plan (World Bank/UNDP, Government of Mauritius).
Keith Lewin’s Professorial lecture – ‘Knowledge Matters for Development‘